I studied IT Systems Engineering at the HPI in Potsdam and graduated as a Bachelor of Science in August 2016. By bachelor project was "Passwords are Obsolete - User Authentication through Wearables and Mobile Devices", you can find my thesis on GitHub.
If you haven't met me in person yet, simply imagine a guy who prefers doing what he enjoys all day long. I live in Potsdam and work in Berlin, travel quite a lot and attempt to have fun wherever I go. My passion is anything that can be programmed but I also enjoy photography and photo manipulation.
Scroll down to get an idea of who I am and what I do. If you don't find what you are looking for or if you want to know more, feel free to get in touch.
Things I Like
Nerd Stats
Honors & Awards
I love attending hackathons all around the world. Meeting like-minded people and creating stuff in just a few hours always motivates me to sacrifice a weekend.
smartphonePOST /bank
Berlin, awarded by PostbankDeveloped a seamless auhentication mechanism to verify bank transactions using Microsoft cognitive services. Also won the grand final in Bonn, after pitching infront of the executive board and press representatives.
Award: 20.000€, Team size: 4, Date: March 2017 -
watchHack'n Wear
Berlin, awarded by SalesforceDeveloped IntelliQ.me, a smart queue management system for iOS, Android, and the Web. Later pitched infront of 3k people at the Salesforce World Tour Keynote in Munich.
Award: 5.000€, Team size: 3, Date: June 2015 -
laptopHacker Island 2
Crete, hosted by EdenredPrototyped corporate service web applications for Edenred together with 15 of Edenreds top managers. Pitched infornt of Edenreds top executives and 300 employees.
Award: 1 week all inclusive in Greece, Team size: 1, Date: May 2015 -
tabletApps World Hackathon
Berlin, awarded by Wincor NixdorfDeveloped ReMerchant, an Android app for the Wincor Nixdorf Albert device for in-house customer tracking via Bluetooth.
Award: 1.000€, Team size: 2, Date: April 2015 -
watchGDG DevFest
Berlin, awarded by GoogleBuilt the Halli Galli game as a multiplayer webapp using Polymer, buzzed by bump events coming from Android Wear devices from each connected player.
Award: 3 Android Wear devices, Team size: 3, Date: November 2014 -
smartphoneSAP DemoJam
Berlin, awarded by TechEd audiencePitched Remote Farm - the project that just won the SAP InnoJam one day before - infront of 2k people attending the SAP TechEd fair.
Award: fame, press and promotions, Team size: 2, Date: November 2014 -
smartphoneSAP InnoJam
Berlin, awarded by SAPDeveloped Remote Farm, an app and a piece of hardware that provides the possibility to plant, water, fertilize, and harvest your own plants in real life.
Award: IoT devices, Team size: 5, Date: November 2014 -
Zurich, awarded by GoogleDeveloped Remotify for Android Wear, allowing you to control any device with network access using an Android Wear powered watch.
Award: 3 Android Wear devices, Team size: 3, Date: October 2014 -
smartphoneDigital Island Hackathon
Sardinia, hosted by EdenredDeveloped Share My Fun, a reward based Android app which you can use to invite the closest people in a community to share a free drink or similar.
Award: 1 week all inclusive in Sardinia, Team size: 1, Date: June 2014 -
smartphoneTechMeetups Mobile Apps Hackathon
Berlin, awarded by AmazonDeveloped an Android app for the Kindle Fire HD, allowing collaborative event planning with integration of multiple Amazon APIs for an in-app shopping experience.
Award: 2 Kindle Fire HDX, Team size: 2, Date: September 2013 -
smartphoneSennheiser Hackathon
Potsdam, awarded by SennheiserDeveloped a party remote Android app for collaborative music selection during events.
Award: Sennheiser headphones, Team size: 1, Date: August 2013 -
smartphoneMLOVE HackCamp
Castle Beesenstedt, awarded by MLOVEDeveloped IntelliTasks, an intelligent collaborative task assignment app.
Award: Founder Scholarship, Team size: 2, Date: June 2012
Here's a list of the IT related things that I achieved without attending hackathons, including physical and virtual certifications.
classDigital Innovation Award
Palo Alto, awarded by SAPGot credited for tireless effort & teamwork during the Innotakeoff competition in Palo Alto. Awarded by the CIO Center for Digital Leadership & the Managing Director of Silicon Valley Labs.
Award: Certificate of achievement, Date: March 2016 -
classMINT Award for IT
Nürnberg, awarded by audimaxThe MINT Award is a yearly, German wide honoring. The Remote Control Collection has been selected as a winner for IT by representatives from bitkom, GI, MINT, DATEV and audimax.
Award: Certificate and 500€, Date: September 2015 -
gradeTop Developer
Potsdam, awarded by GoogleReceived the badge for my Google Play developer account. "Top Developer is a badge hide-on-small-only recognizing established, respected developers for their commitment to launching high-quality and innovative apps on Android." - Google
Award: Badge, Date: June 2015 -
classMicrosoft Technology Associate
Potsdam, awarded by MicrosoftPassed the MTA certification exam for Database Fundamentals. Checked topics: Core Database Concepts, Creating Database Objects, Manipulating Data, Data Storage, and Administering a Database.
Award: Certificate, Date: April 2013 -
paymentStartupbootcamp Wildcard
Berlin, awarded by StartupbootcampPitched the Remote Control Collection at the Startupbootcamp Wildcard Competition and got selected as a winner. Got offered 25.000€ in seed funding, free office rooms and mentoring. Traded that in exchange for a university place at the HPI.
Award: Experience, Date: June 2012 -
classBundeswettbewerb für Informatik
Potsdam, awarded by Fraunhofer IUK
Jobs & Employment
I've been working for different companies in the past and gained valuable experience during that time. Today I'm leading a team at neXenio, working on seamless authentication.
Android development in BerlinI am leading a team working on behavior based, seamless authentication using nothing but the sensors from a user's devices. You can learn more about this project at seamless.me.
October 2016 - Today -
Hasso Plattner Institute
Android development in PotsdamI was leading the Android section of the Mobile Developer Group at the HPI for 2 years, introducing students and everyone who is interested to Android development and giving talks about advanced topics. I was coordinating developer groups working on larger projects and organized regular meetups.
October 2013 - June 2015 -
Android development in BerlinDeveloped prototypes for OUTFIITERY's mobile app on Android, based on their existing iOS counterpart. Implemented Google's design guidelines and matched the existing corporate design for a smartphone and tablet optimized version.
August 2014 - October 2014 -
IPS Carsten Ilwig
Web development in LudwigsfeldeDeveloped a backend (PHP server) for managing and exchanging internal orders. Provided an API and integrated it into existing customers Windows software (.NET Framework).
August 2013 - October 2013 -
Web development in BerlinDeveloped the backend (Node.js server) for one of Ozone's projects, called Might. Also created product websites for desktop and mobile.
August 2012 - September 2012 -
T&T Datentechnik
.NET development in LudwigsfeldeDeveloped internal management tools in VB and C#, integrated them in existing T&T products (.NET Framework).
July 2011 - March 2012 -
ALLY Systemhaus
.NET development in BerlinDeveloped internal tools providing automated solutions to support ALLY employees in cunsulting, support and product shipment.
January 2011 - December 2011
I've also worked on my own projects for quite a while now, which I deliver through my own businesses. A lot of time has flown into my own products, you can read more about them in my portfolio.
Co FounderIntelliQ.me is a smart system to manage waiting queues and offers estimations about remaining waiting time. I founded the startup with 2 of my fellow students and developed the Android app, website and API backend.
June 2015 - December 2019 -
FounderSteppschuh is my private business, which I use to deliver my software and for freelance jobs.
April 2012 - Today
Mathematical and Theoretical Basics
Mathematics I & II
Theoretical Computer Science I & II -
Basics of IT-Systems Engineering
Introduction to Programming Techniques I & II
Introduction to Digital Systems
Software Architecture -
Software Engineering and Modeling
Modeling I & II
Software Technology
Process-oriented Information Systems -
Software-based Systems
Operating Systems
Database Systems -
Internet & Security Technology
Internet and WWW Technologies
Advanced topics on Internet and WWW Technologies
Internet Security - Weaknesses and Targets
IT in Healthcare -
Human Computer Interaction
Designing Interactive Systems
Computer Vision -
Legal and Economic Basics
Law for Engineers I & II
Introduction to Economics -
Soft Skills
Project Development and Management
Introduction to Design Thinking
2012 I made my high-school diploma at the OSZ-TF in Luckenwalde with focus on Media and Design Technology.
2006 I started my A level at the MCGym in Ludwigsfelde but switched to the OSZ-TF 6 years later because of their focus on technology.